Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Holy Trinity Church #2  has gone social! Here you will find weekly happenings in our ministry . Please take the time to browse our site and do visit when you get the chance. If you have any questions, please see Contact Us for more information.
Our site is still under construction, so bear with us. Check back for updates!

"By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established"
Proverbs 24:3

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March Events

 The 31st Great Missionary Revival began March 9-11  2016 with Speakers Evangelist J. S. Bolden, Minister Troy Wilkins and Evangelist Sheryl Ford   Theme:  "Having the mind of Christ"

2nd Sunday March 13,2016  Worshiped with Bethapage Outreach  Chesapeake, Virginia Bishop C.S.Davis, Pastor  SpeakerDr. John W. Folston, Pastor, Holy Trinity Church #2 Portsmouth

Every 3rd Sunday in the month Holy Communion  March 20, 2016

Save the Date  May 1, Sunday @ 4:00 Pm  New Horizon in Concert

See event page for more details